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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,DMcF Cancelled gig, Harrogate Sat 12th Mar (22) RE: Cancelled gig, Harrogate Sat 12th Mar 09 Mar 05

Leddy - I'm too old and tired to make waves - glad you understand.
The MU thing is worth a thread of its own (haven't checked for existing ones on here - will look later).
Anyone want to post opinions and experiences therein?
Benefits - drawbacks?
I'll be interested in reading 'em.

Raggy me boy,
Ta for the spec.
Bring a guitar? Dough! That'll go down badly with the good Lady P!
But you rescue the situation with your . . . .

'I'll also be making some supper of baked potatoes and chilli con carne and a vegetable curry'

. . . she allus liked the Howarth gigs a while back where Steve Tilst or Damien Barb cooked up summat grand
. . she'll put up with any amount of that 'awful folk music' (including mine!) for some decent scram!

Is it purely acoustic, or through a PA system or what?
Bloomin' passive pick-ups means more 'kit' for me to bring if it's a plug in jobbie.

So, will pass on the news of the food on return home - hope it clinches the deal - the poor Lady
has suffered following me to gigs for 32 years now!!
Mercy she cries!
All the best - DMcF

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