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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,catsphiddle@work BS: From Britain With bigtotry Part2 (97* d) RE: BS: From Britain With bigtotry Part2 03 Jun 05

What I don't understand is why Martin you have to be so fowlmouthed and rude about it all. Surely you should be able to rise above all that and put your point accross with out being so nasty and rude. I agree that the subject matter is serious but you take that away with the way you communicate with other people. You are a member of this forum and you give it a bad name with your abusive postings you come accross as being no better than some of the Guests that post here....note I am not saying all guests as some add valuable information to this forum. Martin I suggest you think before you type and help make The Mudcat a nice place to be around (which it generally is) rather than making mountains out of mole hills and being abusive.

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