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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
IceWolf TOTAL BS: Signs of Our Times (102* d) RE: TOTAL BS: Signs of Our Times 16 Dec 99

Oh dear. I'm one of the miscreants who painted "Surrender Dorothy" on the bridge one year.

Many companies (in the US at least) issue badges to their employees with magnetic stripes that are used to enter the buildings (and other secure areas). A certain corporation I used to work for had the following inscribed on the badge readers:

And speaking of my former employer reminds me, has anyone else ever noticed the following coincedence? In the movie "2001: A Space Odessey", the rogue computer is called HAL. Now... if you advance each letter in HAL one position in the alphabet, you come up with IBM.

--IceWolf (who needs to quit reading the Forums and go back to work)

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