Mrs Hannam. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. That was honestly very funny!!!!!!!! As for my posting, the last post anyone should be concerned about was this last one: and returning to the subject, i actually spoke to a young muslim male today whilst canvassing. He attends his mosque accordingly. I asked him if he ever encountered problems, and he spoke of young muslims around his area vandalising. I was suprised to hear that amongst his community there is a growing drugs problem too, he said his parents and others were upset about what was happening, and he mentioned his parents had divorced and his sister is on drugs. I really didn't expect to hear of muslim divorce. To be fair, it shows that the problems society is encountering is not distinct to any one group or ethnicity in this country. We all share the same problems. It needs all to work together and to equally recognize our differences as something unique and not something wrong. This same town last year had its application for a St Georges Day celebration refused by council!! This sort of folly by our councils merely causes people to harbour resentments. It is the councillors, leaders who need to be replaced with a fair state before we can achieve some sort of understanding between communities