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GUEST,Dale Origins: FUZZY WUZZY (45) RE: Origins: FUZZY WUZZY 18 Jul 05

Fuzzy Wuzzy was written by Al Hoffman, Milton Drake & Jerry Livingston, mid 40s, I'd say.

I can remember only a few other snippets.

They say that all the seals in Hudson Bay can't beat Fuzzy's fuzz.
Fuzzy Wuzzy lost his crop in a North Pole barber shop
But when they took his fuzz away, he wasn't what he usta was.

That's about all I can come up with ~~ it's been quite a long time since I heard it.

I just found mention of a recording by Al Trace, National 7011,circa 1944. No doubt there were others as well.

Do a search for Jerry Livingston and you'll find that he wrote many songs you have heard. The Unbirthday Song, Wake the Town and Tell the People, The Twelfth of Never ~~ just to name a few. Oh, and the classic Mairzy Doats!

Here is his entry at the Songwriter's Hall Of Fame

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