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ET Minister say's jamming OK in UK (305* d) RE: Minister say's jamming OK in UK 05 Aug 05

I dont think I am going over the top in pessimissm about the new actnew act because of past experience of a local authority. For about 10 years a session attracting maybe 20 musicians was held in a local pub. Often we were the only ones in the pub, except an old deaf chap who watched TV in another room with the sound off.

All was well. No trouble. Odd bum note but!

Then along comes Jobsworth for the Council, who at the end of the night said she had been listening, she was entertained and the Pub needed a PEL. The landlord then closed the pub on Tuesdays and opened it as a private members club for musicians who signed in. The musicians contacted the BBC and they turned up the following Tuesday. Local authority informed but they did not turn up.   The following day, Wednesday, there rolled up a food inspector, a building inspector and an electrical inspector. Building inspector found nothing, food inspector had nothing to inspect as the pub did not sell food. But electrical inspector found some regulatory problem and imposed a closeure order of some sort. The pub shut for a week, the landlord gave in and sold up, and new landlord, whose previous occupation I think was a funeral director, refused admission to musicians who moved on.

So this is why I don't believe a word about "light touch notices". Local authorities do not do "light touches". And I know of councillors who say they can't wait to get their hands on licensing!!!!

Couple local authorities with a Department of Fun (dcms) who refuse to listen to anything, and you may be able to see why I am not hopeful.   

If I am wrong, all to the good.

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