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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
el_punkoid_nouveau Lyr Req: Boney Was a Warrior (chantey) (64* d) RE: Lyr Req: Boney Was a Warrior 10 Sep 05

I learned it from that wonderful fount of all things traditional, the BBC! It appeared in Singing Together in 19something-or-other (when I was still in short trousers - the first time around!), from which I culled the following:

Boney was a warrior
Way ay ah
Boney was a warrior
John France wah

Boney beat the Prooshians

Boney beat the Rooshians

Boney went to Mossycow

Boney he came back again

Boney went to Elbow

Boney went to Waterloo

Boney he was sent away

Boney broke his heart and died

Boney was a warrior

From the Beeb, it must be authoritative!


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