Lefty: If you don't agree with the unions you get cement shoes for a one way skin diving trip. Now pay the greedy bastards their dues. And dont for get the firemen, coal shovelers on those diesel trains. Featherbedding it is called. UNION CORRUPTION UPDATE http://www.nlpc.org/olap/UCU3/05_01_12.htm OPERATING ENGINEERS (IUOE) Kickbacks Charges Brought Against New York City School Custodians Labor Unions Aggravate Inflation by Lowering Wages http://www.fee.org/publications/the-freeman/article.asp?aid=298 It is commonly believed that labor unions generate inflation by increasing the wages of workers. This is not the case. Labor union activities do aggravate inflation, but they do it by reducing the real wages received by workers, not by increasing them. An understanding of why this is true requires, first of all, a brief explanation of the cause of inflation. Jimmy H.