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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,A witch BS: joining the masons (126* d) RE: BS: joining the masons 06 Feb 06

If all good comes from God and all evil from lucifer

GUEST, Christian - you are making the assumption that everyone accepts this as a fact. The idea of God vs Lucifer means nothing to someone who does not accept their existence as separate entities. Many people don't, as pointed out by GUEST, 2.11pm and Manitas. It is only one way of viewing the world.

Another way of viewing the world, and one which I subscribe to, is that God/The Goddess/Great Spirit - whatever you choose to call the life force, is in balance, with many positive and negative elements interacting, and all affecting each other. This is reflected in everything that exists, including each person, so we are each a microcosm of the whole universe. If you like, you could say that "God" is in you.

Because we are interconnected, it means that whatever one does has an effect on other beings and one's surroundings, and it is with this idea in mind that a pagan lives his/her life - to enjoy this lovely planet we call home, while respecting it and causing as little harm as possible, and to respect and love the other beings that are on the journey with us, and where possible, to add something positive while one is here this time around.

"Do as you will, but harm none."

As I said, I know nothing about the masons, but I felt a need to correct misinformation where I see it. Unfortunately, I fear that what I say won't make much difference to GUEST,Al Old Pal. He/she comes across to me as an ignorant nutter.

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