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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Wordless Woman BS: Scent Free Environment (136* d) RE: BS: Scent Free Environment 17 Feb 06

Dear oh dear. This thread is getting a bit cranky. HOWEVER, I'm going to add my two cents and ask advice. Like Kaleea, I am allergic to fragrance and end up with a sinus infection. I DO avoid highly scented places: department stores, gift shops with scented candles, etc. I deal with my allergy as best I can.

Back in the day there used to be something called a zone of fragrance. In order to smell a woman's perfume one would have to be in very close proximity.

The problem is a new employee – new to my department but with the company for a few years. I have to give her an orientation this afternoon. I met her briefly the other day. One certainly does not have to be in close proximity to be overwhelmed by her perfume; it precedes her by several yards. It's a scent more appropriate to evening wear rather than the audit department.

How do I gracefully tell her to scale it back?

And the popcorn smell? I sit across from the kitchenette and just turn my desktop fan so it blows the air back in the kitchenette.

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