blues (10s, 20s, 30s) --> 'rhythm & blues' (40s, 50s) --> funk (60s, 70s) --> hip-hop/rap (70s, 80s, 90s)
this is a huge oversimplification, but am i the only one this makes sense to? instead of talking about blues and rap as opposites, perhaps rap should be looked at as being a descendent of the blues. i'm certainly not the first one to suggest this; so why does it seem like such a difficult idea to some Mudcats?
as for the notion that Blues = hope, Rap = despair & destruction, i'm reminded of a line from A Tribe Called Quest: "get in the zone of positivity, not negativity, 'cause we got to strive for longevity." and there's more where that comes from.
- greg