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JulieF BS: Being Irish on St. Patrick's Day (137* d) RE: BS: Being Irish on St. Patrick's Day 12 Mar 06

There was definitely green beer in Sheffield last year, didn't see it myself but it was there.

Personally, it's not the colour of the guinness but the quality and the price. So far the best price heard of is at Hallam student union bar at £1.50 where my daughter will be hanging out for the afternoon. She is celebrating going out and drinking with her mates rather than being forced into a dress and made to dance all the time ( and sometimes we flung her whistle or fiddle at her and made her play).

As a Scot adopted by the irish community, I will start at the Irish Centre and end up at a gig in Chesterfield.   It's always an interesting day - usually not going quite how you planned.


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