Well, here's a fine how do you do, my formerly Presbyterian husband reminded me this morning as I was making pasty dough out of beef suet that St. Patrick's day being on a Friday this year and during LENT puts the kabosh on both my Apple Dumplings AND my Lamb Stew! Those were my protest dishes. I reminded him I am a lapsed Catholic who attends a different Church with HIM lo these past 7 years which is nither Catholic NOR Presbyterian and so I kept right on rolling out the dough! This is something of a family joke ever since his mother put meat on my plate on Good Friday ten years ago when I was a practising Catholic just to see if I'd eat it. I did out of concern that I would offend her and then she and her sister jumped up to point fingers at me and call me a "Bad Catholic." All this was a few weeks before our Catholic Wedding, something she objected to vehemently. Ah, memories. That gave me a good laugh but did make me wonder just how many Corned Beef's are gonna be cooked tomorrow considering! I was speaking to an Irish friend of mine who lives in Toledo OH (not American) and she told me in Toledo the 16th of March is called "St. Practice Day" and the drinking begins there at 7 Am on the 16th. St. Practice Day. LOL. So, who's gonna eat Corned Beef tomorrow even though it's Friday and LENT? (me me me me)