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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,M.Ted BS: BNP select 'ethnic' row. (52* d) RE: BS: BNP select 'ethnic' row. 10 Apr 06

Azzizi, I was speaking to the fact that you thought that Harmony might be a plant from BNP, and clarifying why that wasn't an unreasonable conjecture, given the circumstances here.

I wasn't addressing your thought that Harmony was naive about the nature of the BNP at all--but I will now--People who say, "Well, there are lots of bad people out there, so why make such a fuss about...." rationalize inaction in the face of evil, and in this way, facilitate the evil--

I think that the fact that Harmony bailed out of the discussion when challenged, tells a a lot about the "I know what's happening is wrong, but they've never given me any trouble, and I don't want to get involved" mindset--

Truth be told Harmony, from your own account, the BNP know who you are, they know where you live, and we all know what they are capable of--

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