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The Mudcat Cafesj

User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
harpmaker SUN INN - BEVERLEY (66* d) RE: SUN INN - BEVERLEY 15 Apr 06

Talks are in progress for a cover to go over the pool table so we could use the pool room. I think this has a great advantage as smoking is a big issue.
As you know the snug is a no smoking area, but we are allowed to smoke in there as an exception. As a smoker myself, I could tell this did not go down very well as I was monitering the looks of the locals at me with a fag in my mouth in the snug.
The pool room on the other hand is a smoking area, and when new laws come out next year, there are the doors out to the beer garden off that room so we could easily go and smoke out there.

Stopping smoking would would be the best thing to do (If it only was that easy)!    I do know some exellent musicians and singers alike that will not come to the sessions because of the smoke.
This is a shame, as we would like to see them.

I do know, and sympathise with people that do not wish to stop smoking, but it seems these are becoming a minority. Me included!!!

Any comments???


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