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The Mudcat Cafesj

User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,PMS BS: Martin Gibson to visit Europe (270* d) RE: BS: Martin Gibson to visit Europe 20 Apr 06

Well ya know without old Martin Gibson y'all would have nothing to discuss it seems. Is he exulting in this? I'm sure he is. You all are making his day, week, month maybe year. Thing is he can post whatever crap he wants and you all eat it up like beef stroganov on a plate. Mods won't ban him; you all love this guy I don't care what you say. So I hear he like bugged out and resigned a while back? So what's with that eh? Seems he like resurrected himself and the disciples are all over the thread spreading the good news. Martin's Back!! Hoo Hah.

Buncha hyprocrites I say. Marty is no prize-but neither are most of you. You'd all die and curl up if you didn't have your favorite Whipping Boy: one Martin Gibson. He's probably over there in Canada or England reading all this shit and getting the biggest hard on in his life over it. Keep stroking boys and girls. Whadda joke eh? Seems the guy rules this place which is why I'D NEVER join it. You willingly permit a cancer like him to settle in, grow, and eventually kill all of you. Good luck with the laser surgery and chemo. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

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