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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Once Famous BS: Europe: observations/comments part 1 (93* d) BS: Europe: observations/comments part 1 22 Apr 06

Not necessarily in any order and rather indifferent, as usual who is offended:

* Fish and chips in London is over rated. Tried it a couple of times for highly recommended places by locals. This is a meal? McDonald's has better french fries and just what kind of fish is it anyway? No one's talking.

* London is quite clean, at least in Westminster where I stayed. Hung out in Soho, Picadilly circus, also. Pretty wild and fun.

* Meat in London is horrific. Someone needs to show them how to make a hamburger and what a steak is supposed to be. But good Italian food in London. Chinatown here is weird and they don't even know what an egg roll is.

* Decadence galore as phone booths feature pre-printed sex ads that are stuck up inside them. No, didn't call any.

* Mentioned in another thread, you have to ask for water in a restaurant here. Why?

* Some nice helpful people, overall. But some rude people also. Riding the underground will get you shoved around when it is busy.

More later.

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