No Amos. You just declare that their argument lacks merit (by your standards) and there fore does not matter. I don't consider "This man is a fucking MAROOOON!" coherent and articulate. Does it meet your standards for articulate and coherent? No one can or should try to define themselves but I perceive you as riding a high horse and full of phony self serving philosophical bullshit and self righteousness. Does your understanding of "Avatar" make you deserving of such stature? It sort of reminds me of the guy that nailed up a piece of clothes line and declared it art. Of course all of the self declared art lovers had to agree. Excuuuuuse me but all I see is some rope. Even Einstein questioned himself. He said in essence that nuclear fission could not happen but when someone, not even of his caliber, Szilard, explained to him his theory of how fission could occur, He realized he was wrong and wrote a letter to President Roosevelt warning him of the danger of an atomic bomb Now who is smarter than you and have they ever told you that you were wrong? Did you ever choke on anything? Mack