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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,hugo BS: Gaza Strip 28/9 June 2006 (1253* d) RE: BS: Gaza Strip 28/9 June 2006 01 Aug 06

It 's true that many Israelis believe that they are the victims in the on going conflicts between Israel,its neighbours and the Palestinians.
And of course they are continually fed that belief by the various govts of Israel who constantly seek to dominate Their neighbours.

However,they are victims in the sense that the whites in South Africa believed they were the victims of african aggression.

The position of the Zionists is basically unsustainable in the long term.....there will be more and more violence and wars and the pounding of neighbours....but there will still be neighbours even if the new border runs up to the outskirts of Beirut.And there will still be the Palestinians to deal with and they are like the undigested meal in the belly of the beast.

The Israelis will keep on killing ,backed by the power of the USA but it won't last forever.

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