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Keef BS: Twin Towers Controlled Demolition? (253* d) BS: Twin Towers Controlled Demolition? 15 Sep 06

On September 11th I watched events unfold and felt shocked and angered like most people did. I was glad that Bush and America were now going after the bad guys. When people started talking about Bush just going after the oil, and far fetched conspiracy theories, I felt that was just fashionable anti American sentiment.
Only now, 5 years on have I been able to even consider that factions of the US government could be complicit in mass murder.

I have always had some misgivings about the neat way in which both towers collapsed from the top down and fell perfectly vertically into their own footprint. Hard to achieve in a controlled demolition. Even less likely if caused by two non identical aircraft impacts.

This site presents a case that I find unimaginable but plausible

From photographs taken during construction it is clear that the central core of the building was a massive steel and concrete structure which could not be significantly damaged by the impact of a relatively fragile light alloy airframe.
By some amazing process this mass of steel and concrete (which was still standing a few seconds after the collapse of one tower) was almost vaporised into a cloud of fine dust.
A google search for 911 controlled demolition or similar will throw up a number of sites of varying credibility. The general scenario is that dark forces conspired to allow the aircraft hijackings to proceed and that the towers had been pre-rigged with explosives to produce a spectacular demolition and bring about a new "Pearl Harbor".
Please set my mind at ease, tell me it's all bullshit.
If not then I might have to start building a bunker cos things don't look good!

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