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Keef BS: Twin Towers Controlled Demolition? (253* d) RE: BS: Twin Towers Controlled Demolition? 17 Sep 06

Ron, your website does not offer any credentials. I would be more impressed by a report by say the American Institute of Engineers or a similar professional institution.
It seems I will have to say it once more, I don't have a position one side or the other on this.
I spent the first few years after 9/11 defending the actions of the USA in going after the Taliban and Saddam Hussien.Good riddance to both of them.
Looking at the photographic and video evidence the collapse looks wrong to me. And
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150 Tons of aircraft would definately cause a bit of damage.
Can jet fuel burn hot enough to melt steel, I don't THINK so.
Did the collapse start close to the fire zone, and the floors above collapse in a block, I don't THINK so.
The heart of the matter is what was the design of the building, my link gives two alternatives, the heavy duty concrete or the spaghetti tubes. Surely this is a matter of public record, can we can determine which it was?

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