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Keef BS: Twin Towers Controlled Demolition? (253* d) RE: BS: Twin Towers Controlled Demolition? 17 Sep 06

I'm still sitting on the fence on this one.
Could such a monstrous conspiracy take place? unlikely but not impossible.
Could burning kerosine create the temperatures neccessary to soften or melt steel? Unlikely unless fed by a huge airflow to assist combustion.
No report of huge updrafts through the stairwells and the huge clouds of black smoke suggest incomplete combustion rather than an oxygen rich inferno.
Could the huge quantities of steel reinforcing and box sections (in continuous lengths) be reduced to only short sections in the rubble?
Steel is quite malleable, would there not have been long lengths remaining standing?

I realise that some of the sites do have an anti Israeli bias, I certainly don't support that. I am more often accused of anti Islamic tendencies!
I am still waiting for a link to a qualified engineering report. Television documentaries and Popular Mechanics do not fully convince me.

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