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The Mudcat Cafesj

User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Jane, New Accoustic Night in Hull (31) RE: New Accoustic Night in Hull 23 Oct 06

I saw the Somethings there last week too - they were brilliant! All really young as well (students). And fun - they played the Ghostbusters theme! They're playing somewhere this coming Thursday, but I've yet to find out where..

They were a bit of a hard act to follow, after they went off a guy with guitar got up and did some songs, he was quite good (thought his voice was a bit like David Bowie's) but of course everyone was a bit revved up to listen to his stuff.

I've just spoken to Sleepers manager and he said he's looking for acts to appear - pay is dependable on size of band etc. At the moment it seems to be booked acts, but he's thinking of an open mic evening maybe 1st Monday of the month.

Sleepers has a warm welcoming atmosphere, they have people going round handing out nibbles, which is nice! Gets full pretty early though.
Anyway Sleepers number is 342223 if any of you's interested.. some poeple are saying there's too many of these cafe bar joints springing on live music now, but I Like the atmosphere and think it's a good thing if it gets acoustic music a bit more heard. I see there's another Monday night live music at Garbutts cafe bar, the new one on Princes Ave - Andy Cornfoot's on tonight.

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