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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Hagbardr BS: A computer thought for the day (38) RE: BS: A computer thought for the day 03 Mar 00

I've been a PC guy for many a year and I've spent all me money on upgrades and beer.....

I've stuck with microsoft operating systems for one reason only: compatibility. I like the complex simplicity of Linux and UNIX much more than I like the simple complexity of Windows. Or was that the other way around?

Apple's been putting out some awesome hardware recently though. And I hear MacOS X will be based on UNIX. Definately worth a try when it comes out.

"Back in my day, we didn't have all these fancy high speed connections and graphics. I had to dial up to the 'net on a 1200 baud modem and read black and white text."

"Modem? You were lucky! I had to call up the ISP on a rotary phone and whistle!"


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