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GUEST,Bruce Michael Baillie BS: Was Thatcher right? (125* d) RE: BS: Was Thatcher right? 30 Dec 06

...NO Margaret Thatcher was never right she was a fucking bitch! Yes she showed strong leadership, but leadership without an ounce of compassion. I lived through those years and always wondered why it was she promoted the home ownership thing, getting everyone to own their own houses rather than rent? over the years I've seen why the old bitch was so keen on that idea, so when you're old and decrepit your house can be sold to pay someone to look after you, ...well that's if you call being looked after, sitting in your own piss for 18 hours a day while some poor overworked woman on below the minimum wage tries to cope with 40 or so inmates of what are laughingly reffered to as 'Care Homes'.
Teribus, if Margaret Thatcher was our best Prime Minister then God help us when the worst one finally arrives!!!

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