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GUEST,, Bat Goddess at Work Tech: Yahoo question (23) RE: BS: Yahoo question 01 Feb 07

Just recently I got no Yahoo mail for about a day (starting one afternoon and returned mid-day next day) -- during which Yahoo evidently bounced a bunch of my list mail, etc. In some cases had to sign back on to the list. No, I was nowhere near the mailbox limit.

About a year previously, on Dec. 1, 2005, all of my email -- including folders and sent folders -- from mid-November back (several years' worth) disappeared.

Ever try to contact a real person at Yahoo? Frustrating, ain't it?

I got an automated reply but no satisfaction. Finally, several weeks later I got a customer service survey asking to rate Yahoo on how well they did solving my problem. Fortunately it had not only a check box that the problem hadn't been solved, but space for comments. I layed into 'em. Never got another communication from them, but most of my email and folders were restored. I'm only missing a couple weeks' worth from Sept. 2005.

I use my Yahoo address as a place for lists and to use in any contact over the that's where all my spam goes. They have a very very good spam filter and I never have to look at the Bulk Mail -- they just empty it from time to time.

It also serves as a backup for when my Eudora Lite does something weird to an attachment so that AOL subscribers in particular can't open it. And as a way to communicate with people while I'm at work and still have a record of my email.

It serves it's purpose. It's not perfect, but as has been said before, you get what you pay for.


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