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GUEST,Bruce Michael Baillie Why does 'folk' attract so many teachers (110* d) RE: Why does 'folk' attract so many teachers 15 Feb 07

My God yes, Teachers and Social Workers, I noticed this phenomenon 30 years ago and don't get me wrong they're not all bad but quite a few are a right bloody pain in the arse! Teachers are great ones for, well teaching! the only thing is a lot of them don't know when to bloodywell stop! The number of times I've sat in a folk club and been 'taught' how to sing a chorus by a teacher on his/her night off! being back at school without the caning if you happened to make your chair squeak during a music lesson, strange isn't it that the only three times I was beaten during school back in the sixties, two of them were in music lessons which I actually used to enjoy!

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