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GUEST,Charliestu (that Scottish Folker!) Whitby FILO Folk - 1st Saturday (41) Whitby FILO Folk - 1st Saturday 22 Mar 07

That time once again! After quite a hectic winter period we are again heading towards another first Saturday of the month. So far its been standing room only so hopefully it can only get better!!!!!!
No, repeat no, I am not changing the date, it will remain as the first Saturday of the month, which means that we will be having a great sesh Saturday 7th April and it would be really great to have you there along with the folks from Hull, Derbyshire, Beverley, Grimsby, Wakefield, Whitby, Scarborough, Aberdeen, Dewsbury, Hornchurch, Banbury, Edinburgh, Swansea, Redcar, not to mention many other, I won't, just get yourself there. Sat 7 Apr, First In, last Out, Whitby. starts about 7.30 ish

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