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Polly Squeezebox Instead of Miskin 2007? (152* d) RE: Instead of Miskin 2007? 24 Mar 07

I had no wish to step on Bubblyrat's or any other toes - but as I live fairly local to Seend went out to the Camping & Caravan Club site behind the 3 Magpies this lunchtime. Unfortunately, they are fully booked for Easter (and were for this weekend also!). They also advised me that the 3 Magpies own much smaller site was fully booked over the Easter period because they've passed on all booking enquiries to them since the C&C site was fully booked two months ago. Looks like a no starter for this year I'm afraid.

However, possibilities are there for the future with a village hall and community centre in walking distance of the two sites. Might be worth turning some thought to forming a folk song club within the auspices of the Camping & Caravanning Club - we could then in the future use some of their sites that have their own pubs or halls within the site.

For this year - do we definitely need a camping site near a public house? I know of a farm in Wiltshire where they have a CL - probably already booked - but I think they might be able to let us have a separate field and possibly a barn to sing in (if there are'nt too many young livestock needing shelter). Unfortunately, the facilities would be very, very basic - only one outdoor loo!!! Let me know if you think I should pursue.

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