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Chris Seymour Origins: Jolly Rogues of Lynn (65* d) song info: Jolly Rogues of Lynn 27 Mar 00

I had almost forgotten this catchy little number about the three thieving rogues of Lynn...

The miller he stole corn And the weaver he stole yearn And the little tailor he stole broadcloth For to keep these three rogues warm

...until someone sang it the other night at a singing party. I'd heard Mike Miller sing it years ago at the Philadelphia Folksong Society's Spring Thing and had been after him to get me the words, but it didn't happen.

Anyway, I've got them now -- and am curious to learn anything anyone knows about the song.

The version I have is American -- it begins "In the good old colony time/when we lived under the King," but I'm curious to know if it has earlier origins.

Also, since I didn't find it in the database, how would I go about posting the lyrics for inclusion there?

Thanks, as always.

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