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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GaryD Urban myths (and legends) (142* d) RE: Urban myths (and legends) 31 Jan 98

Alan, we do hear a lot of exotic stories in the states about your homeland. With our favorite Crocodile Dundee character doing Car commercials every ten minutes, I'm sure you'd be amused? (perhaps not the right word) by our distorted perception of your lifestyle in Australia. I for one am glad you don't have to fend off reptiles in your bathroom everyday, it would make you late for your next gig.. You might comment on some nasty tiny blue octopuses, though, we heard are troublesome on a National Geographic Special on mollusks. To get back to the subject maybe some of our friends from England can comment on the great "Jack the Ripper" legend. Is there any solid information about who he really was? For that matter, is there any songs about it?

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