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GUEST,Ian cookieless Help with picking patterns and TAB etc (20) RE: Help with picking patterns and TAB etc 11 May 07

Grab, thank you for your wise post. Jim Lad, you know neither me nor anything about me, so please do not tell me that I know not of what I speak. I know only too well the results of people locked in a simplified and imagined past. That goes for both sides in the conflict. The past is past. Nothing can ever change that. The present and future is to be made. Two sides, implacably opposed, seeking mutually contradictory objectives, can never bring peace. Especially not when their main activity is violence and battle cries and vilifying anyone other than themselves. Only a laying down of those much-loved objectives in order to see human beings, flesh and blood like you and me, and seek compromise in the here and now, not seek revenge for past wrongs, can bring any kind of peace. That is not surrender. That is deciding to live. With 'no surrender', no one wins. 'An eye for an eye and the whole world is blind.'

You may, of course, disagree. You are free to do that without me threatening to knee-cap you, drive you out of your home, or bomb your loved ones. That is the difference between implacable ideology and, please God, current and future reality.

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