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GUEST,William BS: Bobby Sands hunger strike film (450* d) RE: BS: Bobby Sands hunger strike film 22 May 07

I'm a Scotish Presbeterian; I support the 'Gers and some would call me a bigot. I mention these things because I WILL go and see this movie, because want to know what drives a man (or a woman, in the case of the sufferagettes) to kill themselves in this horrific, degrading fashion for a cause - however misguided they seem to me.

I watched "The Last King of Scotland" to try to understand why Europeans thought Idi Amin was a jocular buffoon and not the psychopathic killer that he was. I was one of those who, at the time, thought his antics were funny until I knew the horrendous truth - I was trying to understand myself!

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