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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Some of you make me so mad Rufus Wainwright - So Tired of America (46) RE: Rufus Wainwright - So Tired of America 27 May 07

Someone on here said:
If youre tired of what you're country has become - then try to change it. To do otherwise is selling short all the people who came before you and tried to change things.

It's a common answer. It's so glib. And it's clearly pretty much always said by someone who hasn't in fact ever spent much in the way of time or effort trying to change things. I have, for the past six years, only to see a madman re-elected President, and then to be told that we will in all probability still be in Iraq in 2016 (assuming Hilary Clinton or any of the Republican candidates are elected) due to a Democratic congress which is afraid to stand up to the most unpopular president since Nixon.

In the past six years I have frequently volunteered 20 or more hours during a when I worked 60 hours, and given that entire week's wages to a candidate. I have caught pneumonia while being an election watchdog volunteer in the rain for six hours because the poll workers wouldn't let me inside the polling place, I have walked through neighborhoods that scared the crap out of me to help get people to the polls after four hours of sleep, I have done all kinds of stuff for candidates for whom 'well, he's better than the other guy' is the *best* that could be said.

You're goddamned right I'm tired. And if I'm not enough, along with those like me, to make a difference, and if the other 99.9% of the US isn't willing to make any effort, but is quite happy to point out that if I don't like things, I should try to change them, then yes, what I'm tired of is America.

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