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shepherdlass young folk tradition undermining folk (281* d) RE: young folk tradition undermining folk 23 Jun 07

It's very laudable to take disappearing ways of life and turn them into songs (which the new radio ballads - featuring one Kate Rusby! - have also done) ... but is this tradition? I'd have thought learning the techniques and the repertoires of older musicans was more the way that younger performers become immersed in a tradition, something they then take forward by adapting it to their own tastes, times and audiences.

Documenting these traditions/patterns of living is something else, just as important and notable as performance, and obviously something that can inform and shape future performance - but is the documentary side of folk music absolutely fundamental to the tradition (maybe in border/war ballads or occupational songs? more debateable in supernatural tales?) or something that really came to the fore in the 1950s and 60s with MacColl et al?

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