Sorry to keep going on about this...BUT...I just stumbled across this press release by Pinoccio... more lies Here is a quote from the article "The development of the project was strengthened by securing $100,000 from a private investor, which helped us commercialise the SunCube," said Greg, who previously worked as an energy consultant to the power industry" Now for a real giggle, have a look at the photo of the supposed production model Suncube. Applying simple geometry imagine how this wood look on a pitched roof. Leaving aside the optional "Black and Decker Workmate" you would need to mount the Suncube on a pole at least 500mm high to allow the device to tilt and rotate. And yet Greg claims much improved appearance over "flatties" Notice also the remarkable "cordless design" In all of the photographs that Greg has released of the Sunballs and SunPubes there is not a single one that has any output wires. HOOLEY BLOODY DOOLEY Can he tell porkies or what?