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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Keef SunCube Fiasco (163* d) RE: SunCube Fiasco 01 Jul 07

SMOT was a scam which Greg has never apologised for and he still claims that it works and is "overunity"
Suncubes have never been proven to work at all, and the power output claims cannot be substantiated.
Suncubes could never be mounted on roofs, appearance would be hideous, roof would require major reinforcement.
Offer of suncubes for sale at $1500 drew in 4000 expressions of interest
but are still unavailable.
Solar farm idea is ridiculous.
Proposed location of solar farms at Roxby Downs in order to supply cheap electricity for the Olympic Dam uranium mine is very offensive to greenies like myself.
Proposed 200 Megawatt solar farms in all states of Australia would require astronomical production capacity.
(660,000 suncubes required for each farm!)
SMOT was a scam
Suncube smells like a scam
Suncube solar farms are HORSESHIT!!!!!!!!

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