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Keef SunCube Fiasco (163* d) RE: SunCube Fiasco 15 Jul 07

Hi Mr Enterwent
What I realy wanted was exactly what Mr Watson was promising.
A solar system that for a price of about $1500 would give me 600 Kwhours per year. On the promise of that I foolishly bought a small electric fridge (rated at 300 Kwhours per year). I also bought a 100 Watt "flattie" (as Watson scornfully calls them), a chinese wind generator (don't bother..not much good) and a cheap generator to be going along with until my wonderful Suncube arrived.
Along with the other 4000 prospective customers I have recieved no explanation or apology for the about face.
This annoyed me somewhat and therefore I started doing some research.
It is quite obvious that the Suncube could never have done what it was claimed to do. For myself I could easily make do with a ground mounted unit. For the average customer, a roof mounted system is preferred, however the Suncube would have been a near impossibility to roof mount.
The other thing that I want is to expose Mr Watson for what he really is and to help prevent more people being hurt by his actions.
Those who have paid money for production or distribution rights have no chance of getting their money back.
The Suncube will never be available for retail sale.
The solar farms are an impossibility, even allowing for Watson's distorted costings ($600 per suncube total budget for the complete solar farm!).
If you do have a cpv system coming up that will do even half of what the sunpube was claimed to do then I'll buy one for sure.
I'll also be happy to tell the world how well it works.
BTW I used to tell everone how great the Sunball was going to be...sigh

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