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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Aldus BS: I'm scared of Americans and Guns (117* d) RE: I'm scared of Americans and Guns 20 Apr 00

I never cease to be amazed at the ability of Americans to justify what in most other Western countries would be considered insanity. Just look at some of the inane excuses...we need to hunt....supermarkets sell meat... we need to conserve shooting at it...we need to control bullies in shooting them....we need to defend our shooting people...we need to defend ourselves against the shooting officers of the law.....we need to teach kids to be responsible about teaching them to use lethal weapons thereby showing them that this is a at the practising range.... Oh, give us a break and grow up,,,,This is not 1776 or 1850 or 1920...this is the 21st century, the age of the cowboy is over. There are few things about which I have such strong feeling but I have good reason to see this gun arguement as just pkain stupid. The only thing that is right about these arguements is when people say, Guns are ok in America because America is different...sadly, this is all too true. I think America is a great place..but this annal fascination with deadly toys is absurd.

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