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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
mjm How would 'YOU' define 'conservative'? (111* d) RE: How would 'YOU' define 'conservative'? 23 Apr 00

Kendall, was that question directed to me? The last time I voted in a presidental election, was when Ross P. was running against you-know-who. (I voted for Ross) It was also the first time had ever voted. Shame shame on me. Alas, my worst fear was to have "Them" get my number, so to speak, and then be called for jury duty. That's how it works, here in Connecticut. Well it happened, and I suspect that my employer paid a hansome amount to get me out of that jar of pickles. It won't happen again, because in this life, I will not stand in judgement of another human being. That's that.

Peace, m

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