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Hyperabid Thought for the Day - ANZAC Day (33) RE: Thought for the Day - ANZAC Day 27 Apr 00

Pete Petersen is quite correct that it was Winston Churchill who came up with the idea of Gallipli after we had already telegraphed our plans to the opposition. It took him around a year to recover from this disaster...

Who knows maybe it should have taken longer... I guess history suggests that it was a good thing he eventually did recover from this disasterous mistake.

Maybe it doesn't do any good to rake over such old coals - nobody would say that this wasn't a defining motion in the national identity of both Oz and NZ. Their bravery was exceptional in the face of a defending Turkish army that was pretty much in the habit of summarily executing captured allied prisoners.

I would just put in a brief word for UK Gallipoli veterans - pretty much the same percentage of them were killed. It was a mistake all three allies paid for.

None-the-less - A salute to the brave ANZAC!


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