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GUEST,Ian cookieless Songbooks: Book of lesser known trad. songs? (29) RE: Book of lesser known trad. songs? 29 Nov 07

Thanks so far, folks. It's a bit difficult to nip down to the Library of Congress, as I'm in England, but it's certainly worth considering for the future. Thanks. I'll also go back and have another look through Marrowbones.

Bill D, if songs are not well known, this may be the very reason to put them in a book. I was hoping someone may have done just this for just that reason. Plus, there may be some old dusty overlooked tome published misty years ago with hidden gems that some kind person may be willing to tell us about.

I'm not searching for songs from a particular time but it just so happens that English songs tend to suit me best (being English, probably) - traditional songs or songs in the idiom - but I'm open to anything in general that's in the English language.

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