Anyone should be able to have a conversation about religion or their belief system without later having remorse about how they feel or what they may have said to angst someone else. Funny how defensive folks get when it does come to challenging their beliefs.
How one interprets religion is more than probably from past experience with that religion. I have an example of that in my own life when I was young(er)
I was into Christianity and I loved Jesus. So much I wanted to become a minister myself. One day I approached my minister and told him this. His response was-"Women can't be ministers" Well talk about shattered dreams. That was a changing moment for me. I was angry. I thought what bullshit is this? Where is the equality and justice in this religion. In hindsight, though, it actually was the best thing to happen to me because it journeyed me past the structured religion and sent me seeking for my own beliefs and spirituality. What a journey I am on!!
I have been following this thread and it's been a good one. Lots of revelations and good discussion. People like to talk about religion and beliefs, so it seems. It's who we are after all, whether it be structured religion, philosophy or id. Amos-Thanks for that link on Mark Morford-SF Gate. He is great!! I read his archives last night and find him delightfull!
Carry on good foks! Peace. Rustic
P.S.-Right now the good book to me is the dictionary! Tautology, solipsistic....