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GUEST,BBofey Fiddle Bowing (82* d) RE: Fiddle Bowing 16 Dec 07

Good, I'm glad that I'm 'entitled to my opinion'!

Captain, you must be the only person in the known universe who does not 'associate Donegal with powerful playing'.

What in heaven's name was Johnny Doherty up to? Have you never heard Danny O'Donnell? Is Danny Meehan's playing as docile as a lamb? Should Vincent Campbell give up his storming mazurkas and lancers? And, above all, Tommy Peoples is still the most powerful fiddler playing in Ireland today, not as fiery as in the 1970s, I'll grant you, but still capable of insurpassable drive and verve.

As for air-playing by Donegal fiddlers, you really do not know what you're talking about. Never heard Doherty's 'Paddy's Rambles Through the Park' or James Byrne's 'Maidin Fhomhair'?

It's clear from your postings to this thread that you haven't got a clue about the fiddle music of Donegal or for that matter about fiddle technique in general.

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