Sorry folks...should have just carried on with the old thread. Naked grab for publicity in an attempt to put an end to the scam. (mudcat gets up on Google much quicker than the SunGrid thread ever does) Can I have this thread tacked on to Suncube Fiasco pretty please. BTW I found waybackmachine A fantastically useful place to go.
By clicking on the User Name, you will requery the forum for that user. You will see everything that he or she has posted with that Mudcat name.
By clicking on the Thread Name, you will be sent to the Forum on that thread as if you selected it from the main Mudcat Forum page.
* Click on the linked number with * to view the thread split into pages (click "d" for chronologically descending).
By clicking on the Subject, you will also go to the thread as if you selected it from the original Forum page, but also go directly to that particular message.
By clicking on the Date (Posted), you will dig out every message posted that day.