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GUEST,Ritchie What is a Geordie? (44) RE: What is a Geordie? 09 May 00

Just an update to our yearly visit to Wembley.

As is our wont, we go to Trafalgar Square the night before the match where literally thousands of supporters gather,most of them drunk but good humoured.They climb onto the monument and bathe fully clothed in the fountains,you know the usual sort of thing.

Well this year we were standing watching all the shananigans going on when we were approached by an Australian tourist who was bewildered by what was happening.

hundreds of people wearing black and white stips climbing all over Nelsons column.

" excuse me " he said " but can you please explain what's going on ?"

" Whey man it's Nelson Day " replied my friend." you must have heard of him, that's him up there on top of the monument the Great Admiral Nelson. Ivory year we make the pilgramage doon from newcassell t'pay homage to him because he used t'gan into battle wearing black and white singing this wor cry ..." and at this point he starts to sing one of the chants and everyone joins in.." we are the Geordie, the Geordie boot boys, and we are mental and we are mad..we are the loyalist football supporters, the world has ever had...we are the geordie the ...." the crowd carry one singing into the night, the Australian tourist is happy and we, well when we stopped laughing...

As Prince once said 'whey man ,act yor age not ya shoo size' whey what does he knaa aboot oot?

aal the best Ritchie

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