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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Pixie How Has Hearme Enhanced Your Life (67* d) RE: How Has Hearme Enhanced Your Life 18 May 00

Little Neo: Do it! Do it!....what a great experience for me! I am relatively new to Mudcat, and stumbled into HearMe last Monday(?) and had the time of my life. Not being equipped to sing/play made absolutely no difference to my enjoyment. I heard wonderful music from people who's names I've been reading for a while and it was great to be able to put a personality there, or a voice. I enjoyed the "chat" too, and heard incredible music (the quality of the broadcast isn't great, but its pretty easy to ignore). I met Homeless, ClintonHammond, Mary fr. Kentucky, Mbo, Jon Freeman, Kendall, Jeri and several others and it was like a night out when you got no money and nowhere to go! DO IT!

Totally in Awe....


P.S. Thanks, Mbo, for the JP tune...

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