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GUEST,Ian cookieless Seth Lakemen on Channel 5 today (107* d) RE: Seth Lakemen on Channel 5 today 08 Apr 08

WalkaboutsVerse, you typed above in response to me: "Hear, hear, Ian - except it is well documented that E. trads were sung unaccompanied for centuries, yes?" Your response proves that you did not understand my post, comparing living traditions to dead museum pieces. It seems you prefer the latter.

I also raised a question that the The Mole Catcher's unplugged Apprentice restated: "I'd still waiting for GUEST,WalkaboutsVerse's answer to the question posed by Folknacious earlier in the thread. What is "authentic"?" I still haven't seen an answer.

I also stated what mattkeen restated: "As regards the music- I AM SO GLAD ITS ON THE TELLY, THOUGH ITS NOT MY PERSONAL CUP OF TEA." For this reason I won't post again to this thread, as it now seems to me like a bunch of people shouting at each other with their hands over their ears.

What a shame.

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