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GUEST,Bruce Michael Baillie BS: Youth Crime, Seriously what can we do ? (78* d) RE: BS: Youth Crime, Seriously what can we do ? 28 May 08

Hi Victor, believe me when I say that I have had A LOT of experience of the same kind of thing you are going through. My family and I put up with this kind of shit for about five years! We fell foul of the local youths round where we lived. I won't go into details it would take too long but we had eggs thrown at our house almost every evening, sometimes stones, fruit etc, youths hanging around being a fucking nuisance. The way we tackled it was to PESTER the police until they got so fed up they did something! I also contacted the council on a couple of occasions (two of the little buggers lived in council houses, eventually they were evicted along with their slapper of a mother!) I also got the local MP on the job. I'm afraid if it gets worse you're in for a long haul but, DON'T GIVE IN, we didn't and eventually things have got better. Round where we live they seem to have got rid of the scummy families.
The key is, PESTER,PESTER,PESTER! Do not be fobbed off with the apathetic "Oh we can't do anything they're only kids!" routine, the police are often just lazy bastards who want a quiet job like everyone else. I'm afraid if you started going around throwing bottles at children they'd soon find something to charge you with wouldn't they?
Well if that's the case it works both ways, you have every right to be in your own space without somebody elses brats giving you lip and making your life a misery!
I wish you well!

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