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GUEST,Liz the Squeak Lyr Req: 'Give me a big, fat woman' (10) RE: Lyr Req: 'Give me a big, fat woman' 01 Jun 00

We liked one that did the rounds here a couple of years ago, called 'Big Panty Woman' a sort of Caribbean hymn to big women.

I want to dance with a big panty woman
I want to dance with a big panty girl
I want to dance with a big panty woman,
I want to give that big woman a whirl!

Then of course there is always this...

She weighs 16 stone and what do you get,
A whole lot of woman and that's a fact.
Take a closer look, you must agree,
There's no sharp corner on a woman like me!

You can't cuddle up to a bag of bones,
If her ribs stick out, leave her well alone.
We've a soft welcome for a man in need,
We're surely built for comfort if not for speed!

CHORUS: She weighs 16 stone and what do you get,
A whole lot of woman and that's a fact.
Take a closer look, you must agree,
There are no sharp corners on a woman like me!

Well if you've seen more meat on a greasy spoon,
She won't keep you warm, get rid of her soon.
So come on guys, if you're down in the dumps,
Better get your arm around a gal with bumps. CHORUS

Well the magazines say be skin and bone,
But big girls never have to sleep alone,
We don't disappear when we turn on our side,
And there's plenty of suspension for a bumpy ride

Well if you see us coming better step aside,
A lot of men didn't and a lot of men died.
One gives you desire, the other a thrill,
If the tall ones don't get you then the small ones will!

Bet it doesn't work without the <BR>s, but there are so many and all I had to do was paste...

Don't know who wrote it, but would suggest Tennessee Williams would be rolling in the grave!


HTML line breaks added. --JoeClone, 5-Apr-03.

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